The Fells Marathon is a two-day hiking competition for Scouts and Explorer Scouts. Carrying full kit for the two days, the Scout teams walk around 20 miles while the Explorer Scout teams walk about 26 miles. Overnight the teams cater for themselves on a remote site monitored by event staff – no leaders or team supporters are permitted there. It is a test of navigation, camping skills and endurance.
Who can take part?
The event is open to both Scouts 10yrs-14yrs and Explorer Scouts 14yrs-18yrs with separate routes for each age group. The scouts walk 30km and explorers 43km over the 2 days, with a remote camp at the end of Saturday. The event is split into 3 categories as shown below:
Category | Minimum Age | Maximum Age |
Fells Lite | 10 | 14.5 |
Scouts | 11.5 | 14.5 |
Explorer Scouts | 13.5 | Under 18 |
Network | 18 | Under 25 |
Note: Participants must have reached the category age on the date of the event. Participants must be below the maximum age at the start of the event. Where a birthday takes place on the Saturday or Sunday of the Fells weekend they are considered below the age cut off for the whole event. (POR 4.7L refers)
Closing Date for Entries
23rd March 2025
Further Information, Event Rules and Booking Forms
See pages on website for more information. Booking forms etc can be downloaded below (nearer to the event).
Event Maps
TBC - This is usually released closer to the event.
The Wolds Challenge and The Fells Marathon are organised and run by Blacktoft Beacon District Scout Council.
Registered with the Scout Association: 016357. Registered Charity Number: 1148031
© Fells Marathon 2025.
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