Fells 2022 4

Nights Away Arrangements

This information is to enable our volunteers understand what is expected from them in terms of our nights away rules.

Friday Night

Friday night is a preparation night for the teams and we expect that they will camp with their troop or unit at the main Fells Marathon centre.  This allows leaders to provide appropriate support for any last minute issues.

The team is the responsibility of their own group or unit. Usual Scout Association POR requirements for nights away apply. The group therefore needs to have a Leader in Charge with a Camp Site Nights Away Permit present.

Where a group or unit does not have a Nights Away Permit Holder available then please get in touch with us prior to the event. We may be able to help (no guarantees).  

Saturday Night

On the Saturday night teams are expected to be self-sufficient and leaders are not permitted on the overnight site. The overnight site is usually a temporary one set up specifically for the event. Toilets and drinking water supplies are provided.

The Fells Marathon Organisers will provide a camp site team to act as a warden and  deal with any emergencies. The Leader in Charge of the team will have an appropriate Nights Away permit.

Teams stay on the site based on the “Event Passport” system. (See POR 9.61).  This must be filled in and signed by an appropriate leader prior to the event.

The group or unit is responsible for issuing the Event Passport which must be authorised by a Nights Away Permit Holder of either campsite or lightweight camping categories. The permit holder must provide support during both the preparation and the event itself.  They must be satisfied that the young person has the required abilities, but are not required to attend the event.

Groups must use the standard Event Passport document (below) signed by a leader with a Camp Site Nights Away Permit present, and who can be available to help should they be required.

The Wolds Challenge and The Fells Marathon are organised and run by Blacktoft Beacon District Scout Council.
Registered with the Scout Association: 016357. Registered Charity Number: 1148031

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