Fells Marathon   Safety Page
Fells Marathon Event Control

What to do if you need help on the event

Ideally, everyone would navigate themselves around the route and visit the checkpoints in order, without any issues – but we know that isn’t always the reality.

The safety team are always monitoring the teams and the event has a robust safety plan.  The team have plenty of experience to recognise where teams have become misguided and strayed from the route… sometimes we can even spot it before they do!

In the event that a team does need some help, they can simply call one of the number on their wristband (that they’re given when they check in).

Who to ring first (not your parents!)

We ask all young people to call the numbers on the wristband first… rather than parents or leaders as the event control team have full sight of the event and are the team that can get help to them the quickest.

What happens when they call the numbers from the wristband

One of the friendly Event Control team will talk to the team, understand what it is that they need help with and work with them to either get them back on track, or to send assistance to them, be that in the form of a vehicle or a response team (depending where they are and the type of help required).

What if the team don’t have signal?

The team should try and get to some higher ground, and away from forest type areas where it is often easier to get a signal.  Alternatively they should make their way to the nearest road and wait for help. Event Control will know that a team haven’t checked in at a checkpoint and what time they were expected there, so they will already have a plan to look for the team.

Why do we ask them to wait by a road?

Simply, that it is much quicker for the support teams to drive around roads than it is to walk, and if the team are located by a road, we’ll usually get to them quicker.

What If the team don’t realise they’re running late?

Event Control will know that a team haven’t checked in at a checkpoint and what time they were expected there, so they will already have a plan to look for the team. Event control may try to contact the team directly too, to make sure they’re heading in the right direction (they might have just stopped for a break or a snack!).

How many people are there to support the teams on the event?

The event has a large number of volunteers that support the event, made up of:

Event Control        The overseeing eyes and ears of the event

Radio Team           Humberside Scout Communication Team, keeping everyone in touch

Checkpoint staff   Those checking the teams in at various points along the route

Sweep teams        Teams of adults that walk behind a number of teams to help if required

Response Teams  Usually found in their 4x4 vehicles and quickly deployed where needed

Medical Team       Those that are qualified to assist and assess anyone that needs it

Minibus(es)           Collecting those that may retire, or helping to locate any misguided teams

The Wolds Challenge and The Fells Marathon are organised and run by Blacktoft Beacon District Scout Council.
Registered with the Scout Association: 016357. Registered Charity Number: 1148031

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