Wolds Challenge Hike Rules
Like any event, we need to ensure that we are all safe and have an understanding of what is expected, of both leaders and young people taking part in the event.
Wolds Challenge Rules And Entry Conditions
The maximum entry is 75 teams. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis with entry fee and ALL forms required to secure places. We are also accepting entries from teams in other areas and counties.
Teams need to consist of between 4 and 7 members. To be given a placing in the competition, a minimum of 4 members of the Team that started, must finish.
Teams must carry all of the personal and Team kit, as described on the kit list.
Non-competing teams may take part in the event, for example mixed Scout / Explorer teams walking the Scout route or Leader Led teams.
Young or inexperienced teams can be shadowed (Leader Led Team) but will NOT be given an overall team place. This is greatly encouraged and will be great experience for the young people. It can also be used towards other badge work.
Teams must have a Leader in the area of the event as any dropouts will be returned to them.
There is to be NO Leader intervention with the teams once they have checked in with the Admin Team. There is a large element of trust here as Leaders run some of the checkpoints. Intervention by Leaders, as determined by the organisers, will mean that the team involved will not be placed in the competition.
All team members must complete the medical and consent form and send them in with the team entry form. These will be held by the Event Organising Team to be used in the event of an emergency.
Please make sure that ALL forms are completed and submitted before the event booking deadline. Forms will not be accepted on the day. Any changes (team members moving, merging teams, etc) will be handled by the change desk which will operate a first come first served queuing system, however volunteers will prioritise those with complete and correct forms.
The check-in will be open from 0800 until 0930 and teams can decide what time they wish to arrive and check in. On arrival, each team will need to check in as a whole team and have their emergency wristbands attached.
Each team member will be issued with an emergency wristband. This wristband is to be worn at ALL times throughout the event as it states the team number and the letter of the participant. It also states the emergency contact numbers that they would need to contact in case of an emergency.
The team will also be given a tally to get stamped through each checkpoint.
The route is issued to entered teams 2 weeks prior to the event, to those Teams that have booked on, paid and sent their complete set of medical and consent forms. Included with this is route guidance notes and a safety briefing. These need to be printed and carried with Teams on the day.
Teams will need to get their route signed off by the Map Control Team, before they start, as it is our responsibility to ensure they have a correctly marked route.
The use of GPS devices is strictly prohibited; the event is a test of map and compass skills and route finding.
Each team will carry at least one mobile phone and will be given several telephone numbers (listed on the emergency wristbands) that they can ring should they need to.
In the event of an emergency, teams must contact event control. All emergency numbers are listed on the wristbands.
Event control will arrange and coordinate any required support via sweep teams, response teams or external agencies as necessary. Parents and Leaders should not be contacted by teams as this can lead to delayed response by appropriate help.
Each checkpoint is manned and displays the standard orange and white orienteering flags and punches. Each team carries a tally card which must be punched at each point. Teams must arrive at each checkpoint together. Remember you are walking as a team.
If a team member retires they will be taken by a support vehicle, back to the start/finish and supervised until they are handed over to their group Leader. They must not take all of the team equipment with them to lighten the load. The remaining team must still have the required kit within the team.
Each team is responsible for litter and MUST take it with them and dispose of it at the overnight site or the finish. Please remember the country code.
NO DOGS are allowed on the event. This includes at the start/finish, on Checkpoints or walking with Sweep Teams or Response Teams.
We WILL NOT be accepting entries on the day. Please make sure that all entries are sent in by the closing date.
The Wolds Challenge and The Fells Marathon are organised and run by Blacktoft Beacon District Scout Council.
Registered with the Scout Association: 016357. Registered Charity Number: 1148031
© Fells Marathon 2025.
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