The Rules
The rules are there to help every team have an equal opportunity to win and be crowned champions for that year.
The Rules of the Event
Don't panic the rules are easy to understand and are there to help you have a great time on the Fells Marathon. The rules help every team have an equal opportunity to win and be crowned champions for that year.
Fells Marathon Rules And Entry Conditions
Teams need to consist of between 4 and 7 members (4 or 5 for Fells Lite). To be
given a placing in the competition, a team must finish with at least 4 of their members.
Non competing teams may take part in the event, for example mixed Scout / Explorer
teams walking the Scout route or leader accompanied teams. This is encouraged;
however, priority for entries is given to competing teams.
A leader in charge from each entering team must be present on the event. That leader
will be responsible for the young people on the Friday night and be able to be
contacted throughout the event.
There is to be NO leader intervention with the teams once the event has started.
There is a large element of trust here as leaders run some of the checkpoints.
Intervention by leaders, as determined by the organisers, will mean that the team
involved will not be placed in the competition.
All team members must complete the medical and consent form and this MUST be sent to the bookings team 7 days before the event. These will also be held by base control and the overnight
site to be used in the event of an emergency.
On arrival, each team will need to check in as a whole team and have their
emergency wrist bands attached. After this, 2 members of each team will need to go
to map control to have their team maps checked. The remainder of the team can set
up camp.
All competitors must wear the emergency wristband throughout the whole event (if it
comes off, please advise a member of the Fells Marathon team).
The route is issued to entered teams by email two weeks prior to the event once all of the teams paperwork and payment has been received.
The use of GPS devices is strictly prohibited; the event is a test of map and compass
skills and route finding.
Each team must carry at least two mobile phones with the What 3 Words app installed.
These numbers need submitting as part of the booking on process.
In the event of an emergency, teams must contact event control. All emergency
numbers are listed on the wristbands. Event control will arrange and coordinate
support via sweep teams, response teams or external agencies if required. Parents
and leaders must not be contacted by teams as this can lead to delayed response by
appropriate and local help.
Each checkpoint is manned and displays the standard orange and white orienteering
flags and punches. Each scout carries a punch card which must be punched at each
point. Teams must arrive at each checkpoint together. Remember you are walking as
a team.
If a team member retires on the Saturday they will be taken by a support vehicle to the
overnight site and will camp with their team.
Dropped out member(s) must not take all of the team equipment with them to lighten
the load, the remaining team must still have their personal equipment, a sleeping bag
each, food, stove, fuel and a tent to shelter in, in the event of an emergency.
Each team is responsible for litter and MUST take it with them and dispose of it at the
overnight site or the finish. Please remember the country code.
Fells Lite Category Additional Rules
The Fells Lite category is aimed at younger Scouts who may not yet be ready to undertake
the full event. This is a fantastic opportunity to train these Scouts to compete in future years.
The route and rules for the category are the same as for the Scout event with the exception
Teams must be entered as the Fells Lite category on the entry form included in this
booklet. Changes cannot be made on the weekend.
Overnight equipment, as marked in the kit list will be transported to the overnight site
by the organisers.
Overnight equipment must be of a type normally carried when hike camping – ie of a
lightweight type. Patrol tents, large stoves etc are not permitted.
Overnight equipment must be packed into a maximum of two rucksacks or holdalls
(which are waterproof) clearly marked with the team name and number.
Overnight equipment will be inspected at kit check.
The Wolds Challenge and The Fells Marathon are organised and run by Blacktoft Beacon District Scout Council.
Registered with the Scout Association: 016357. Registered Charity Number: 1148031
© Fells Marathon 2025.
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