Risk Assessments
On this page you can view and download our event Risk Assessments and the Welcome Documents that are shared with leaders and parents (via groups). These are made up of a number of elements:
Generic Risk Assessment
This covers the standard events of the Fells Marathon and Wolds Challenge HIke each year, with a section added to this each time that details variations and location specific considerations. These are known as Event Specific Risks and are detailed in a table below the Generic Risk Assessment.
Within this document, the details of the people responsible for the various parts of the event are also listed.
Camping Risk Assessment
This covers the overnight site for the Fells Marathon event. Camping on the Friday night is the responsibility of the groups.
Centre Risk Assessment
This covers activities at the Centre used by the volunteers supporting the event.
Free Time Risk Assessment
This covers 'free time' at the Overnight site' for the Fells Marathon. It is expected that particularly teams finishing early, will have an element of 'free time' in the afternoon / evening of the event.
Minibus and Support Vehicles
This covers the activity and operation of the vehicles used to support participants taking part in the event.
Welcome Documents
These documents provide the key information about the event, as well as sharing how we keep everyone safe in the running of the event. Leaders have been asked to share the parent / carer information pack with all parents / carers of the young people taking part in the event.
Reminder for Volunteers
Regardless of the role held. all adults (18+) must have the following in place to be able to attend the Fells Marathon Event:
- A valid Scouting DBS Check
- In date Scouts Safeguarding Training
- In date Scouts Safety Training
Risk Assessments
Welcome Information
The Wolds Challenge and The Fells Marathon are organised and run by Blacktoft Beacon District Scout Council.
Registered with the Scout Association: 016357. Registered Charity Number: 1148031
© Fells Marathon 2025.
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