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At The Fells Marathon

We want everyone to have fun, but equally we must make sure everyone is prepared and safe before they start. 

This page will tell you what you can expect when you arrive, and what we do to make sure everything is safe before we start.

What to Expect When You Arrive

Once you arrive at the Fells Marathon, teams will go through the map control on the Friday night with kit check taking place on the Saturday morning.

The map control and kit check areas are usually reserved for participants and having entered the process are not normally allowed to go back (this ensures we can process all teams as quickly as possible). 

Once the maps and kit have been checked, the teams are set off, after which they become the responsibility of the hike control team.

Navigation Brief and Map Control

Purpose of Map Control

To help, advise and guide participants so that they have the best chance to succeed and enjoy the event.

To ensure maps are correctly marked so that the participants have firm accurate cornerstones to their navigation reducing the risk of major navigational errors.

To check that participants have an adequate grasp of the picture the map is portraying.


Map control is carried out by a specially briefed team.

If weaknesses are noted at Map Control, teams are given guidance and corrective actions which must be completed and signed off before departure.


2 maps must be shown at map control.

Both maps to have all checkpoints accurately marked.

There must be no checkpoints or routes from previous events visible on the maps.

Checkpoints must be correctly numbered.

Explorer teams must have all Scout Checkpoints marked.

Navigators must be able to describe the whole route in detail, including paths to be taken and why chosen.

Route card timings completed and realistic.

Map must have at least 3km buffer between route and edge in case of navigation error. If laminated copies or Memory Map prints are used then this requirement can be filled by carrying a full map as backup.

The Map Controllers may recommend to the Event Director that teams which do not meet the required standard are accompanied by a Leader from their Group or are not permitted to take part in the event. This decision is at the absolute discretion of the Event Director. 

Tips for Success at Map Control

Prepare fully and carefully in advance. Look carefully at the detail of the route and also at the “big picture” that it shows.

Mark map with 2B pencil for “blackness”, permanence and ease of change.

On laminated maps use permanent OHP pens. These can be erased with nail varnish remover.

Bring an eraser/nail varnish remover pads to map control.

Circle checkpoints, do not use dots as these will obliterate details.

Do not trace route directly over path as this obliterates details.

We suggest the use of a compass which has magnifying glass and roamer scale.

The Wolds Challenge and The Fells Marathon are organised and run by Blacktoft Beacon District Scout Council.
Registered with the Scout Association: 016357. Registered Charity Number: 1148031

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